Social Media and the Covert Narcissist Woman

Your eye sinks equally you read the text, "I'm not in a great place right now. I need you. Please help."

It's been over a yr now. You've cut off all ties and contact with your ex, and you've finally gained some semblance of mental wellness. Just this … this random text throws you lot completely off. As yous quickly type the message with shaking fingers "What practice you lot need help with?" and click transport, your stomach drops. In that location is a night feeling in the pit of your breast. It's the ominous and foreboding feeling you lot sometimes get earlier thunderstorms and tragic news. Deep down, you lot know that you lot've made the wrong pick.

Y'all've but been hoovered.

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If you tin relate to what I've just written, y'all're likely experiencing a dangerously calumniating manipulation technique known as hoovering. Hoovering is a technique that drags you into cycles of abuse, disrupting your entire life and those around you. In this article, y'all'll larn how to prevent this calumniating manipulation from fooling yous.

Table of contents

  • What is Hoovering?
  • three Toxic Examples of Hoovering
  • Why Do Narcissists Hoover?
  • 8 Creepy Forms of Hoovering
  • How to Terminate Beingness a Victim of Hoovering Narcissists

What is Hoovering?

Hoovering is an corruption tactic frequently used by people who struggle with egotistic, borderline, hating, and histrionic personality disorders. Named afterwards the Hoover vacuum cleaner, hoovering is basically a way of "sucking" a person back into an abusive relationship. Hoovering is typically done after a long menses of no contact between the victim and the abuser. In an endeavor to regain control over their victims, hoovering abusers volition employ manipulation tactics that target their victim's soft spots and emotional vulnerabilities. If they are successful, the hoovering abuser will employ their victim until they are bored of them and discard of them one time once more.

3 Toxic Examples of Hoovering

Permit's take a look at what hoovering looks and feels similar:

Scenario 1: Amanda bankrupt up with Steven 6 months ago and has severed all contact. But one day, out of the blueish, she receives a contact request on Facebook from Steven apologizing for all of his abusive behavior and that he wants to exist given a 2d chance because he's nonetheless "in love" with her. Amanda's center beats quickly every bit she writes a response, truly assertive that Steven has "inverse."

Scenario ii: Ben managed to escape an emotionally abusive relationship with his partner Robert almost two years agone. When he arrive domicile, he finds a lavish array of flowers on his doorstep with a annotation that says "Happy Valentine'southward Mean solar day!" and a phone number from Robert. Ben starts remembering how much affection Robert used to show him at the showtime of their relationship. Feeling solitary, Ben convinces himself that Robert must accept matured past his paranoid and mean beliefs, and gives him a call.

Scenario 3: Ingrid has only left Scott out of a drastic effort to regain command of her life. Later on managing to discover solace for a few days from his gaslighting, infidelity, and outbursts of rage, he begins appearing on her doorstep. "Y'all're the but one I e'er loved Ingrid," Scott whines, "I desire to ally you, I only ever wanted to exist with yous. You're the love of my life, my soulmate." Afterward experiencing this behavior for a couple of weeks, Ingrid finally snaps, and rips open up the door, "Go out of my fucking life!" she screams and starts to cry. Scott pulls her into a hug and she sobs on his shoulder.

Why Do Narcissists Hoover?

What's the betoken of hoovering? To regain a sense of control over y'all. Narcissists begin hoovering when they want something from you such equally attention, validation, money or sex activity. But the deepest reason why narcissists hoover is considering they are completely internally empty. They accept a pathological fear of feeling insignificant, unlovable, alone or worthless, then they do whatever they can to fill this empty void and sustain their faux cocky-image.

Narcissists are fundamentally addicted to the attending of others. Without attention and command, they starve. When their reservoirs of narcissistic supply run out, they seek to prey off the former "meat" they managed to catch in the past – and that means y'all. This likewise means that they usually take many "backups" (due east.g. other exes) to feed off when they begin to feel hungry again.

Like predators, a narcissist knows how to dispense the weaknesses of those they have preyed on before. They will try to entice you lot through random texts, apologies, declarations of undying dear, and "repentant" gestures which try to convince you how much they accept "changed" and "care" for y'all.

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The truth is that narcissists couldn't care less about you, and their attempts to win your trust are all fabrications that are function of their sick game. Because of their severe soul loss and disability to show any form of empathy, a narcissist volition say any prevarication and go to whatever extent to become yous back under their control.

8 Creepy Forms of Hoovering

Image of a hoovering narcissist in a horror mask

Let'south have a look at some of the creepiest and nearly common forms of hoovering below. Delight note that many of these signs are common among relationships that have just ended. So if you're all the same being pursued by your ex, this might non necessarily mean that you're being hoovered or that they have nighttime intentions. Hoovering is a pathological and manipulative class of behavior that is intended to suck you back into some other cycle of abuse. When reading these signs, please be honest nigh your relationship and ex-partner.

1. Pretending that your human relationship isn't over

They volition ignore your requests to cut off contact, continue sending y'all the same messages, will prove upwards at your house, job, etc. They'll keep harassing you lot every bit if null has changed at all.

2. Sending unsolicited gifts

In an attempt to become you back, they will send you lavish and unexpected gifts such equally flowers, cards, tickets to movies and concerts, cakes, you name information technology.

3. "Apologizing" for their beliefs

To effort and appoint y'all, the narcissist will appear to "own up" to their mistakes and will feign humility and remorse in an endeavor to pull at your heartstrings. Their messages or words volition sound very convincing, and so be careful.

four. Indirect manipulation

If they can't get through to yous straight, they will get a different route: your friends, children or other family unit members. For example, they might try to send you letters through your friends or say something slanderous about y'all to your family which you'll and then feel the need to correct. When you lot've been hooked, you'll be lured into against them nearly their lies.

The narcissist may even attempt to utilise your children against you. For case, if your ex has custody of your children, he/she might put the child on the telephone asking y'all to come back dwelling or get them to write letters to you. This is a powerful and highly manipulative hoovering technique.

5. Declaring love

Declaring undying dear is perhaps the near common hoovering technique out in that location. Because beloved is such a powerful emotion, narcissists volition not hesitate to use information technology to lure you back into their clutches. They volition say things such equally, "Y'all're my soulmate," "We were fabricated for each other," "You lot're the only person I've ever loved," to tempt you into contact over again. Exercise Not fall for these tricks.

6. Sending random messages to yous and "ghost" telephone calls

If y'all're existence hoovered, you'll probable receive random messages from the narcissist asking for and commenting on different things. Expect text letters such as "Please wish (so-and-so) a happy anniversary from me," "Did you lot accept my (personal item)?" "Are you going to (and so-and-then'due south) dinner tonight?" "I'm standing in the place we beginning met. Thinking of you," and so forth.
The narcissist may even send yous "accidental" letters with the intention of putting a knife in your heart such as, "I love you honey, I'll be home at 6" to their new partner with the intention of inciting a response from you.

Another creepy tactic is receiving ghost telephone calls. For example, y'all might receive frequent telephone calls from individual numbers and receive long silences or soft animate on the other end. This tactic is used to freak you lot out and get you to appoint.

7. Faking vulnerability and the need for "assist"

The narcissist will get to any extent to get your attention and sympathy. Faking the demand for assistance is such a powerful hoovering technique because it preys on our natural tendency to show compassion to others. The narcissist might transport you messages and get out yous vocalisation mails telling you that they're sick, they demand your help, they're desperately in trouble and need you to call them back, or fifty-fifty that they're going to kill themselves. I've heard of narcissists that have gone equally far as faking serious illnesses like cancer and middle attacks, just to prey on others and reel them into abusive cycles again. (Annotation: if you think someone is going to impale themselves, please phone call your local police services.)

8. Baiting you with drama

If all other hoovering techniques neglect, the narcissist will endeavor baiting you with drama. They will send y'all melodramatic messages, create havoc in your social life through spreading rumors, apply your children equally an excuse to limited rage and hissy fits, and put on scenes with the intention of provoking reactions from you.

How to Stop Existence a Victim of Hoovering Narcissists

Firstly, information technology's important to empathise that hoovering is designed to trick yous past playing on your emotional vulnerabilities. A narcissist knows very well how to manipulate you, and they will disguise their contact as an attempt to seek reconciliation, forgiveness, friendship, and fifty-fifty honey.

Because hoovering is essentially about emotional survival for the narcissist, they will often go to farthermost extents to go your engagement. They will lie, pretend, and coerce you in any way they can so that they can get what they're truly peckish: power, command, and validation. If y'all experience that you're being stalked, don't hesitate to contact the police force. Egotistic corruption is a very real issue.

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Hither are some of the all-time ways to end the cycle of narcissistic corruption:

  • Change your phone number, email, and social media accounts (or block his/her number)
  • Pay attending to the signs that yous're being hoovered and know these hoovering manipulation tactics within out so that y'all can place them when they occur
  • Set a firm rule that you will NOT contact, acknowledge or respond to the narcissist in whatsoever fashion, shape or course
  • Acquire to dearest and take care of yourself (read this article on how to dearest yourself more for tips)
  • Join a narcissist support group
  • Develop mindfulness so that you can become aware of your emotional triggers
  • Try google the 'gray rock method' if yous've been lured back into a human relationship

I truly hope these actions tin aid you regain a sense of personal clarity, conviction, and empowerment one time again as you recover from the narcissist's hoovering mind games.

Eventually, the narcissist's tactics Will cease. The sooner you completely ignore every one of their attempts to lure you in, the sooner they volition realize that they take no control over yous anymore.


Are y'all experiencing hoovering? Do you lot know someone who is? What advice can you share that tin assist others? Please share below.

8 Signs You're the Victim of an Abusive

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