Doxxing is a blazon of cyber set on that involves discovering the real identity of an Cyberspace user. The assaulter and so reveals that person's details so others can target them with malicious attacks. Doxxing is analyzing information posted online by the victim in society to identify and later on harass that person.

What is doxxing?

The term "doxxing" comes from the expression "dropping dox", which was a revenge tactic used by hackers where they dropped malicious information on a rival.

Nowadays, doxxing is used to shame or punish people who would rather stay anonymous, because of their controversial behavior or other types of non-mainstream activity.

Because most of us are careless with the information we share on the Internet, we tend to leave backside a trail of breadcrumbs a cybercriminal can use to discover out our real identity, then deploy a string of malicious attacks.

This is chosen doxxing, and has messed up the lives of more than one person.

Famous Doxxing Cases


Michael Brutsch created an online persona named violentacrez for the Internet messaging board Reddit.

Over the years, he created a reputation as a troll because of his posts on the website. For case, he created subreddits (subforums) effectually misogyny or sexualized photos of underage women.

For a long while, Michael Brutsch succeeded in keeping his online identity, violentacrez, a underground.

But Gawker journalist Adrian Chen managed to connect Michael Brutsch to violentacrez, and then went public with the information. In other words, Michael Brutsch was doxxed.

Chen was able to exercise the doxxing because Michael Brutsch took risks with his identity. For 1, he actually met Reddit users in real life, in meetups and parties. In photoshoots, he asked for his face to be blurred. Not only that, but he likewise hosted a podcast, which Chen used in a phone phone call with Michael Brutsch to see if the voices matched.

Later he was doxxed, Brutsch ended up losing his job and enduring a very public shaming, which was made even worse by his decision to do a CNN interview. After this episode, there is little information to go effectually every bit to what happened next to Michael Brutsch. But his life as a notorious Reddit troll is only one search away.

Of course, what Michael Brutsch was doing was illegal and the government should take gotten involved to discover who he is and punish him according to the constabulary. But public shaming and vigilantism are not the way to go.

Fake Nazi affiliation

With the current political landscape being what it is, a big number of people are fighting confronting Nazi and Neonazi organizations rising to attention both online and offline. In the pursuit of trying to silence dangerous agendas, the number of online vigilantes has risen alarmingly. In the past few months, we've seen a lot of cases of Neonazi forum users being doxxed, harassed online and fifty-fifty getting fired because of their opinions, equally reported in this New York Times piece.

While the cause might seem worthy, doxxing is and remains online vigilantism and this is never good.

Kyle Quinn, a professor from Arkansas, was wrongly accused of participating in the neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville. Overnight, Mr. Quinn institute his image beingness shared past thousands of people beyond social media and he was bombarded by messages on Twitter and Instagram. Even worse, his employers were contacted by doxxers demanding Mr. Quinn's firing.


Another exercise related to doxxing is Swatting. Swatting means prank-calling the police or SWAT units to another person's address. In the online surface area, a victim getting doxxed can also lead to swatting. Malicious hackers find someone's accost and brand simulated bomb threats or other serious incidents, then the police show up to the unsuspecting victims' habitation.

In December 2017, such an incident atomic number 82 to the expiry of Andrew Finch from Kansas. Finch was fatally shot by an officer responding to a simulated domestic violence dispute.

28-year-one-time Finch had previously played a Telephone call of Duty game online and started fighting with 25-year-one-time Tyler Barris. Another role player, going under the username "Miruhcle", escalated the disharmonize to dramatic proportions. He provided Barris with Finch's home accost and dared him to exercise a swatting.

Barris had ii prior swatting incidents, making calls to the police about fake bomb threats. This time, the doxxing and swatting took a turn for tragedy. Barris sent law at Finch'due south business firm past falsely reporting a murder and hostage situation. Law arrived at Finch's business firm and, when he opened the door, shot him expressionless.

Leaked photos

This user's life was turned upside downwards after naked photos of her were posted on the infamous website 4chan. By the time she wrote her story, 24,000 men had seen her photos. Her Facebook inbox was filled with soliciting letters from men she never knew. Some of them physically went to see her at the address posted past the 4chan doxxer.

Instagram influencers

What happens if you accept a stand against a popular Instagram page that posts sexist content?  Quite a lot, as this journalist would find out.

Stef wrote a series of critical comments on the photos from a famous Instagram business relationship. Her comments touched a nerve, so the admins retaliated by publicly revealing her name, her partner'south name, her telephone number, and address, with an explicit instruction to harass Stef.

The fans duly followed the instructions and insulted Stef with racist comments, unearthed some of her business ventures as well as threatening to reveal her Social Security Number.

The harassment eventually died out, but simply after Stef went through complicated legal hoops and issued DMCA takedown notices.

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Doxing methods

Cybercriminals and trolls can be very resourceful in how they doxx you. They can use a unmarried clue, and then follow information technology up until they slowly unravel your online persona and reveal your identity.

Hither'south what y'all should expect out for if you want to stay bearding on the web.

1. Revealing your identity through the information y'all mail service

The more you write on forums and message boards, the higher your chances become of accidentally revealing personal information about you. If you utilize social media, it'south fifty-fifty more dangerous.

You don't fifty-fifty have to outright say where you alive. Instead, it'southward possible to roughly pinpoint your location past way of elimination.

For case, you lot make a post saying you don't alive in the Americas. In some other you said you wanted to visit a different continent, so you lot chose Asia.

With simply two posts, the cybercriminal made an educated judge you virtually probable lived in Europe.

In another post, you said Walmart isn't present in your country, but that Carrefour is the dominant retail concatenation.

By now, your possible location has been narrowed downwardly to iii-4 countries.

Equally the doxxer keeps sifting through your information, he slowly figures out what land you live in, and even your current urban center.

2. Bundle sniffing

Parcel sniffing is a hacking method where the doxxer intercepts your Internet data, looking for valuable data about you lot, such as emails, passwords, credit carte data and then on.

Basically, the doxxer connects to a network, such as a Wi-Fi, breaks its security measures and after that, he intercepts all of the data coming in and out of the network.

What'southward more, the malicious hacker has access to this information in real-time, so everything you blazon in a form will simultaneously show up on his screen.

Here's a more than thorough guide on how you can protect yourself from wireless sniffing.

3. Matching information betwixt an online persona and social media profile

Ross Ulbricht was the founder of the infamous darknet website Silk Road, which traded drugs, guns and so on.

To hide his identity, he used the nickname "Dread Pirate Roberts".

The police was able to connect Ross Ulbricht and Dread Pirate Roberts partly because both of these "personas" said they were a) libertarians b) followers of the Mises Institute c) both of them wanted to create "an economic simulation of what information technology would be like to live in a earth without systemic apply of force".

During the trial, Ross Ulbricht built his defense claiming he gave away the Dread Pirate Roberts account, and someone else fabricated Silk Road the Internet's hot spot for illicit trade.

As far as coincidences become, this was a bit likewise much to believe. The judge threw out the defence force and sentenced Ross Ulbricht to a long fourth dimension in jail.

4. Doxxers analyze file metadata

Microsoft Part files such equally Word or Excel documents have something called "metadata".

This is data well-nigh the certificate, which you can discover past correct-clicking a Microsoft Function file-> Properties -> Details

This section contains data about who made the file, when, from what figurer, the company who made it and even total editing time.

Simply by glancing over this metadata, a doxxer can acquire a great deal near you. Hither'due south a guide by Microsoft on how to limit the corporeality of metadata you lot share with a document.

Just it's not just Microsoft Office files that remember metadata, even photos take something like called EXIF data. This contains data regarding camera or smartphone model, resolution, location (if you enabled GPS) and time when it was taken.

v. Doxxing through IP logging

IP loggers are tools used on the Internet to sniff out a person's IP address. In a nutshell, these loggers attach an invisible code to a message or email, and one time the receiver opens the message, the code tracks his IP address and secretly sends it back to the IP logger.

Doxxing prevention

1. Protect your IP address with a VPN/Proxy

VPN is brusque for Virtual Private Network, and acts as a filter for Net traffic. Basically, the traffic from your PC or other device goes into the VPN and acquires its identifying properties, significant its IP accost, location, and whatever other similar data. It even encrypts your data and makes it so that even your ISP isn't able to figure out your IP address.

An IP logger, for case, wouldn't reveal your real personal IP, merely the IP of the VPN.

A proxy server is a scrap different than a VPN, even though it works on roughly the same principles. For one, a proxy server doesn't encrypt your information as a VPN does, so an Isp knows your real IP accost at all times. Since your Internet traffic isn't encrypted, it's as well more vulnerable to hacking and other interception methods.

ii. Don't employ the Login with Facebook/Google buttons

Most apps and websites that require you to register now use the "Login with Facebook" or "Login with Google" buttons.

These login methods annals you on the website by using the email you used to create your Facebook or Google account.

But on acme of that, you will automatically requite the website information attached your Facebook/Google business relationship, such equally current city, chore, phone number, your native language, family info and more.

Certain, it's not as user-friendly, just by introducing your information manually, you tin can command the type of information the website has about yous.

It's especially critical to follow Facebook securitybest practices, to secure all of your social media accounts, including Instagram, and to exist aware ofhow cybercriminals hack Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat passwords.

3. Don't utilize your personal e-mail to annals on forums or other like websites.

Chances are your master electronic mail goes something like this: [firstname][lastname]

It'south a simple, professional-looking combination. Notwithstanding, information technology immediately gives away your identity if someone learns it.

In about cases, forums take weak security measures then malicious hackers can intermission into them and and so leak the emails used to register the accounts.

Simply if the website publicly displays user emails, then all an assaulter needs to do is to simply cheque out your user profile.

And then as takeaway communication, use a unlike email than your chief one when registering on forums or bulletin boards.

4. Hide your personal data from a website's WHOIS.

Owning a blog or website requires that you annals the Internet domain with some personal information. This information is then stored in a database called WHOIS.

The problem is that this database is public, meaning everyone tin can see the information used to register a website, including addresses, phone numbers and then on.

However, past paying a small fee, you can hide some of your personal information from the public search.

To edit your information, simply go to your domain registrar and run into what options they provide for you to make your WHOIS information private.

5. Remove yourself from information broker websites

Some websites role as a sort of Yellow Pages. They mine the Cyberspace for data and gather it all in one place. This tin can include an address, social media contour, photos, phone number, email.

If you find this hard to believe, so but bank check out http://world wide or We warn you though, the amount of data stored in this sort of database tin can be downright creepy.

Fortunately, most of these companies offering a way for y'all to opt-out and remove whatever information they accept most you lot. Unfortunately, this is bad for business, and so they brand it as difficult and fourth dimension-consuming as possible.

The service we previously recommended, DeleteMe, cleans up all this information for you, and then y'all don't have to. As soon as the European Full general Data Protection Regulation kicks in, companies will be forced to make it easier for you to delete your data. Until that happens, you accept to rely on this guide to avoid getting doxxed.

6. Make sure Google doesn't accept any personal information well-nigh you

This tin can be a pretty tough undertaking since y'all would take to go upward against one of the world's biggest corporations.

Simply google your proper name, and see if yous've revealed who y'all are on internet forums, Reddit, niche social networks, messaging boards or any other similar websites.

Delete whatsoever information you find, including the accounts if they aren't valuable to you anymore. If yous don't have access, inquire the spider web administrator to do it for you.

Just how much info does Google take on you? Check out your Google History by typing in your browser when logged in to a Google account. Google knows your location every bit well – you can observe your personal Google map with all the places you visited at the https://world wide URL.

Moreover, secure any account you lot have with Google by following the rules outlined in the ultimate cybersecurity guide. Brand sure you follow the password security best practices. Lastly, don't reveal as well much near yourself when using your smartphone. You demand to cheque your app permissions and follow close the smartphone security guide.

You can also check out DeleteMe, a service that removes your personal data from the Net.

vii. Knowing your rights

If you lot alive within the EU or Argentina, then y'all do good from a then-chosen "right to be forgotten". This allows you to petition a search engine to remove search results apropos y'all.

The legal options available in the United states of america are more than limited, but Google for one does offer an option for y'all to remove content virtually you lot.


Reading this, you might say yous're safe from doxxing because you don't have anything to hide. Is that actually true?

Nosotros're non implying that y'all might practice annihilation immoral or illegal,. We're saying everyone has some aspects of their lives that they would rather proceed individual. Those aspects may be harmless just they should remain private. They can range from hiding a surprise or a perhaps insensitive comment from your spouse to keeping a political opinion from your coworkers and so on. Everyone has something they want to keep for themselves or share with a specific community.

Moreover, at that place are a lot of angry people on the internet who rely on doxxing to "win" an statement. Any seemingly innocuous annotate of yours has the potential to draw the anger of an internet mob.

Avoid getting doxxed. Follow the steps outlined in this anti-doxxing guide to stay condom and anonymous. For an added layer of security, hither'south a guide to online privacy you can implement in under 1 hr.

Have you ever had to deal with a imitation social media contour? If yes, tell the states your story in the comments and also what y'all've learned from the whole thing.

This commodity was initially published on February 2, 2017, by Paul Cucu and was updated on Jan 3, 2018 by Ana Dascalescu.