Good Durable Solid Wood for Commercial Childrens Furniture

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Today on the blog, We will be sharing with you lot on Guide to Choose the Best Wood for your Function Furniture. Do not forget guys, nosotros always love to hear from you in our annotate section below. Now almost Guide to Cull the Best Wood for your Part Furniture , read along!

When it comes to piece of furniture, wood is one of the most unremarkably used materials. Most whatever type of wood tin can be used for this purpose. Even so, all materials are not created as; there are a few types of wood that are revered for their durability, beauty, and versatility.

Wood for function article of furniture is bachelor in a wide range of materials and styles to suit many dissimilar tastes as well equally budgets. Wood desks, tables and shelving units designed for home offices or commercial spaces are sold in modern likewise as traditional looks. Night, light and every wood finish colour in between is available in hardwood or less expensive wood office furniture.

Most wood role piece of furniture falls into the category of either modern or traditional in style. Modern wood office pieces tend to have clean lines without detailed trim. Unlike traditional wood office desks that are rectangular in shape, modern versions may be round, oval or even an irregular costless-form design. Both types of office furniture are sold in a diverseness of colors and materials. In this guide, you volition learn about different varieties and characteristics of wood and which of these woods best suit your upkeep, taste and style.

Types of Wood – ii major types.

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Hardness is one of the simplest ways to distinguish the wood used for furniture. Contrary to the popular belief, hardwood is not necessarily harder and denser compared to softwood. In botanical terms, hardwood comes from flowering copse while softwood comes from conifers. Both hardwood and softwood are used for everything from structural to decorative purposes.


Hardwood comes from Angiosperms such as maple, oak, and walnut. These trees lose their leaves annually. As they grow slowly, hardwood has denser forest fibers (fiber tracheids and libriform fibers).

Equally hardwood is rare, information technology is relatively expensive compared to softwood. However, there are exceptions. For example, gum is a hardwood that comes at a price uniform with nearly types of softwood. Hardwood is durable, comes with close grain, and requires low maintenance. Information technology likewise comes with low sap content and good burn resistance. Non all types of hardwood are platonic for making furniture.


Softwood comes from gymnosperms, which are evergreen copse. Softwood includes trees such as pine, bandbox, fir, cedar, juniper, redwood, and yew. Evergreen trees tend to be less dense than deciduous copse. Thus, it is easier to cut them down.

Softwood consists of tracheids and wood rays. Equally vessels are absent, softwood is besides called non-porous wood. It comes with loose grain, higher sap content, and lighter colour. Nonetheless, it comes with poor fire resistance. The fine and lightweight structure makes softwood ideal for making furniture.

Hardwood vs Softwood: The difference

Hardwood comes from angiosperm, deciduous trees. Softwood comes from coniferous, evergreen trees.
It comes with crude forest texture. Information technology comes with fine woods texture.
The presence of vessels makes information technology porous The absenteeism of vessels makes it non-porous.
Tracheid content is effectually only 5% to ten%. Tracheid content is around ninety% to 95%.
The complex anatomical structure makes hardwood denser. The relatively less complex anatomical structure makes softwood less dense.
Not all types of hardwood are ideal for furniture making. Being expensive, they are usually used in high-end furniture manufacturing. Almost all types of softwood are ideal for furniture making. In fact, about lxxx% of all timber comes from softwood.

This comparison chart above is believed to had given the particular differences betwixt the Hardwood and the Softwood.

Hardwoods -Samples

I. Mahogany

Mahogany is one of the virtually popular hardwood tropical trees. Mahogany wood is prized for its dazzler, durability, and colour. It is relatively free of voids and pockets. The color darkens over time. As a upshot, it is a popular selection for article of furniture.

  • Color – Red-brown to blood red.
  • Density – Medium texture and moderately heavy.
  • Grain – Straight.
  • Common Uses – High-end piece of furniture, interior millwork, exterior doors, windows, and trim.
  • Finishing – Sanding sealer.

II. Walnut

Walnut (black walnut) is ane of the well-nigh pop wood for furniture in the U.Southward. The dimensional stability, shock resistance, strength properties, and the rich coloration are the reasons behind its popularity.

  • Colour – Lighter pale brown to a dark chocolate dark-brown with darker brown streaks. Sapwood is pale yellowish-grayness to near white.
  • Density – Medium texture, fairly lightweight.
  • Grain – Moderately open grain.
  • Common Uses – High-end piece of furniture, carving, flooring accents, musical instruments, and gun stocks.
  • Finishing – Should be finished with oil-based polyurethane

III. Cherry Oak

Oak trees are native to the northern hemisphere. In that location are around 600 species of oak, both deciduous and evergreen. Oakwood is remarkably strong, heavy, and durable. Information technology is besides resistant to fungal attacks.

  • Color – Pinkish red to blonde
  • Density –Very hard and strong.
  • Grain – Varied and openly porous grain patterns.
  • Common Uses – Furniture, cabinets, molding, trim, flooring, paneling, turning.
  • Finishing – Natural finish or oil, just they may vary.

IV. Ash

Ash trees are medium to big trees that grow in almost parts of the globe. Ashwood feels smoothen to the bear upon. Information technology is durable, tough, and flexible. It has excellent nailing, screw holding, and gluing backdrop. Hence, carpenters love to piece of work with ash wood. Withal, it produces a singled-out and moderately unpleasant smell while working on it.

  • Color – Light, creamy-brownish.
  • Density – Tough, flexible.
  • Grain – Open up-grained with occasional brown streaks.
  • Common Uses – Flooring, millwork, boxes/crates, baseball bats, and other turned objects such equally tool handles.
  • Finishing – Takes all finishes.

Five. Birch

Birch trees are widespread in the Northern Hemisphere. Though it is closely related to Oakwood, it is much harder. Birch plywood is probably the near widely used as it is hard, stable, affordable, and readily available.

  • Color – Heartwood is light reddish brown with almost white sapwood.
  • Density – Hard, medium weight.
  • Grain – Usually straight or slightly wavy with small pores.
  • Common Uses – Plywood, boxes, crates, turned objects, cabinets, seating, millwork, furniture, interior doors.
  • Finishing – Takes all finishes.

VI. Maple

Maple trees are mostly native to Asia. But they are besides plant in Europe, North Africa, and North America. The maple woods is sturdy, resistant to splitting, and durable. It tin can be wiped clean with a damp cloth, making it platonic for kitchen piece of furniture.

  • Color – The heartwood is typically a darker shade of crimson chocolate-brown. Sapwood colour ranges from near white to an off-white foam colour. But it tin can be ruby or golden hue.
  • Density –Moderately hard simply strong.
  • Grain – Closed and generally straight, but may be wavy.
  • Common Uses – Everything from furniture and woodenware to flooring and millwork.
  • Finishing – Takes all finishes.

VII. Cherry

Cherry woods comes from the cherry fruit tree. Cherry wood has rich color, smooth grain, and flexibility, making information technology a popular choice for article of furniture manufacturers.  Information technology besides steams easily, making it ideal for use in curved designs.

  • Color – The color is light pinkish brown when freshly cut. It darkens to a medium ruddy brown over time.
  • Density – Strong, strong, medium weight, and moderately difficult.
  • Grain – Closed and direct.
  • Common Uses – Cabinetry, fine furniture, flooring, interior millwork, veneer, musical instruments, paneling, turned objects, and small specialty wood items.
  • Finishing – Light to natural finishes are recommended.

VIII. Beech

Beech trees are deciduous and native to temperate Europe, Asia, and North America. Beechwood is quite durable and resistant to abrasion and shock. Because beech steam-bends as readily as ash, carpenters love to work with this forest. It too provides an elegant and dated wait to piece of furniture. However, it is not dishwasher safe.

  • Color – Pink to reddish brown heartwood, sapwood is flossy to pink.
  • Density – Very hard and heavy.
  • Grain – Straight with a fine to medium uniform texture.
  • Common Uses – Chair legs and backs, crates/pallets, railroad ties, floor, nutrient containers, toys, musical instruments, and woodenware.
  • Finishing – Takes all finishes.

IX. Teak

Teaks are tropical hardwood copse native to Bharat, Myanmar (Burma), and Thailand. Teakwood is one of the hardest and near durable of all natural wood. Information technology is resistant to rotting, sunlight, rain, frost, and snow, making it suitable for outdoor construction and furniture. Notwithstanding, it is expensive and sometimes difficult to discover.

  • Color – Heartwood is golden or medium brown and darkens with historic period.
  • Density – It is heavy and stiff.
  • Grain – Grain is direct. Occasionally, information technology can be wavy or interlocked.
  • Common Uses – Boatbuilding, veneer, furniture, exterior construction, etching, and turnings.
  • Finishing – Finishes all-time with woods lacquer.

10. Due east Indian Rosewood

The rosewood copse abound in tropical environments including countries such every bit Brazil, India, and Madagascar. Rosewood is durable when stale properly. It comes with white chalky deposits that may deadening tools and present bug with finishing. Still, information technology is one of the toughest woods.

  • Color – Heartwood can vary from golden brown to deep purplish brown, with darker brown streaks.
  • Density – Difficult, heavy and strong.
  • Grain – Normally narrowly interlocked.
  • Common Uses – High-terminate furniture, musical instruments, veneer, and turned wood objects.
  • Finishing – Finishes well, but requires initial seal coats.


I. Parana Pine

Parana pine copse also chosen Brazilian pine are native to southern Americas, particularly Brazil. Parana pino forest is free from resin ducts, pitch pockets, and pitch streaks. It has a college shear strength and blast holding chapters compared to other softwoods. However, information technology tends to warp and distort during drying and compression.

  • Color – Heartwood is calorie-free to medium brown, unremarkably with crimson streaks. Sapwood is yellow.
  • Density – Light simply hard.
  • Grain – Straight, uniform.
  • Common Uses – Framing lumber, interior woodwork, sashes, and door stock, furniture case goods, and veneer.
  • Finishing – Finishes well, simply requires initial seal coats.

II. Eastern White Pine

Eastern white pine copse are widely available in eastern North America. Information technology is i of the well-nigh valuable timber species. Eastern pine forest turns gilded yellow when exposed to sunlight over fourth dimension. In one case dried properly, it becomes relatively stable. However, it is fairly porous. Thus, information technology will loving cup if it absorbs excessive moisture. It is relatively cheap and readily available.

  • Color – Heartwood is a light chocolate-brown with a slightly red hue. Sapwood is a pale xanthous to nigh white.
  • Density – Soft and very lightweight.
  • Grain –Straight and tight. However, winter wood and summer forest show a significant difference.
  • Mutual Uses – Exterior millwork, article of furniture, moldings, paneling, carvings, turning, pattern making.
  • Finishing – Finishes well, merely must be sealed with h2o-based or oil-based polyurethane.

3. Lodgepole Pine

Lodgepole pine trees are commonly found in western N America and Canada. The trees can live to be over iii hundred years old. Yet, they seldom practise as they are susceptible to bawl beetle attacks. The tangential surface of lumber shows a multitude of dimples, especially when stained. It is, therefore, a favorite for paneling.

  • Color – Heartwood is low-cal reddish to yellowish brown and sapwood is xanthous white.
  • Density – It is moderately strong and lightweight. Just heavier than eastern white pine.
  • Grain – Direct
  • Common Uses – Ideal for construction lumber, plywood, and paneling. It is also used to make doors, windows and piece of furniture, railway ties, mine props, and contend posts.
  • Finishing – Finishes well, but must be sealed with water-based or oil-based polyurethane.

Four. Pitch pine

Pitch pine trees are also native to eastern North America. They tin can grow 50 to threescore feet in height with a trunk of i-3 anxiety in diameter. The wood is resistant to fire and abrasion. The high resin content also makes it resistant to decay.

  • Colour – Heartwood is reddish brown, sapwood is yellowish white.
  • Density – Soft and lightweight.
  • Grain – Straight grained.
  • Common Uses – Heavy construction, plywood, wood pulp, shipbuilding, fences, railroad ties, and veneers.
  • Finishing –Finishes well, but must be sealed with water-based or oil-based polyurethane.

5. Scots pine

Scots pine trees are native to northern Europe and Asia. The trees are susceptible to red ring needle blight. Scots pine timber is one of the strongest softwoods available. The wood is also resinous. Information technology is less durable, simply not susceptible to lyctid borer.

  • Colour – Heartwood is calorie-free ruddy brown. Sapwood ranges from pale yellow to nearly white.
  • Density –  Reasonably potent and lightweight.
  • Grain – Direct grained.
  • Common Uses – Construction, paneling, boxes/crates, poles, flooring, and interior joinery.
  • Finishing – Finishes well, merely must be sealed with water-based or oil-based polyurethane.

Half dozen. White Bandbox

All the species of spruce trees are native to northern temperate and boreal (taiga) regions. They are likewise widely distributed throughout the mountain ranges in continental Europe. White spruce wood turns, planes, and molds nicely. It has excellent nailing and screwing abilities. However, information technology is only slightly resistant to disuse.

  • Colour – Heartwood is creamy white to light yellow or to red-brownish. It is non distinct from sapwood.
  • Density – Moderately hard.
  • Grain – Fine and consistently direct.
  • Common Uses – Pulpwood, construction lumber, joinery, millwork, and crates.
  • Finishing – Finishes nicely, but when using a sanding sealer, gel stain or toner is recommended.

VII. Red Cedar

Cherry cedar is a common name for various varieties of cedars growing in the eastern United States region. The crimson cedar wood (as well known equally aromatic red cedar) is remarkably resistant to both decay and insect attack. It is highly aromatic and planes and shapes easily. Nevertheless, it only has moderate screw and nail holding properties.

  • Colour – Heartwood tends to exist red or violet-dark-brown. Sapwood is stake yellow or whitish.
  • Density – Hard texture and lightweight.
  • Grain – Direct grain with many knots.
  • Common Uses – Debate posts, closet and chest linings, carvings, outdoor furniture, birdhouses, pencils, closet interiors, bows, and modest wooden specialty items.
  • Finishing – Finishes well, merely oil finishes are recommended.

8. Fir

Fir trees are located throughout nigh of the North and Central America, Europe, Asia, and Northward Africa. They usually grow in the mountains. It comes with low shrinkage and reasonable stability. It is as well strong and elastic.

  • Color – Sapwood is yellowish to crimson-white. Fresh heartwood can exist yellow-chocolate-brown to scarlet-yellow in colour. However, it darkens apace to a brown-red to dark-red.
  • Density – Medium-weight and adequately hard.
  • Grain – Straight and manifestly, sometimes wavy.
  • Mutual Uses – Veneer, plywood, and construction lumber.
  • Finishing – Finishes nicely. However, you need to have into account the fairly high sap content, which may require a glaze of paint.

IX. Larch

Larch copse are native to the cooler temperate northern hemisphere. Larch forest is moderate-to-poorly resistant to fungal attack. However, it is durable and very resistant to rot and pests due to the presence of natural resins. Although knots are common, they are ordinarily small.

  • Color – Heartwood is yellow to medium ruby brown. Sapwood is nigh white.
  • Density – Very proficient strength and medium weight.
  • Grain – Straight or spiraled with an oily texture.
  • Common Uses – Veneer, utility poles, fence posts, floor, boatbuilding, exterior and interior joinery, and construction lumber.
  • Finishing – Should be sealed before finishing to forbid drain-through.

X. Western Hemlock

Western Hemlock species are native to the west coast of Due north America, growing in the coastal rainforests of Alaska and British Columbia. The woods has an excellent strength-to-weight ratio. It can turn, plane, and shape smoothly. It has a moderate nail and spiral belongings power. It also has a reputation for termite resistance. Even so, outdoor uses crave adept finishing for avoiding quick disuse.

  • Color – Heartwood is light reddish brown. Sapwood is slightly lighter in color.
  • Density – Soft and light.
  • Grain – Straight, with a fibroid and uneven texture.
  • Mutual Uses – Boxes, pallets, crates, plywood, framing, cabinets, joinery, and millwork.
  • Finishing – Responds best to clear finishes.

XI. Yew (European Yew)

Yew is native to western, central, and southern Europe. The heartwood of the yew tree is very tough and durable. The all-time timber, nevertheless, comes from copse growing in mountainous areas. It is as well highly elastic. Thus, it tin readily curve, bound dorsum, and remain durable. It is also resistant to nigh insect attacks.

  • Color – Heartwood is orangish brownish to darker brown or purplish hue. Sapwood is normally a thin band of pale yellow or tan colour.
  • Density – Soft, flexible, and moderately heavy.
  • Grain – Straight, with a fine uniform texture.
  • Common Uses – Bows (archery), veneer, cabinet making, furniture, carvings, and musical instruments.
  • Finishing – Finishes well, but must be sealed with water-based or oil-based polyurethane.

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